Discover the art and the sensuality of Tantra

Would you go ?

If there was a place where one could abandon oneself, without thinking, to lay down one’s body, to offer it the space of a sitting, in total nudity to forget the barriers, those which prevent us from feeling, to breathe, those which push us to think so much that we cut off the body … just receive, totally inhabit our body and love it again.

If there was a place, an emotional refuge, where we could fill ourselves with happiness, tenderness, compassion and benevolence … To huddle in the arms of a feminine energy, at once so sensual and sweet, and at the same time so present and strong …. To forget and plunge in us.

If there was a place where our pleasure would be at the center, where all our senses would be exalted, where the tiniest part of our body was explored, without thinking or seeking finality, just contemplating … feeling the vibration that awakens in our body and which lulls us, a mixture of waves of pleasure and deep letting go… a form of ecstasy …

And if this place existed … would you go?

Origins of the tantric massage

Born more than 3000 years ago in India, Tantric massage is intimately linked to the cult of the Indian divinity Shiva and the goddess Shakti.

It aims to mobilize the kundalini, the sexual energy that is in each of us, women and men, in order to achieve sexual ecstasy.

In the Tantric tradition, sexual union is the very foundation of the metaphysical structure, and the lovers Shiva and Shakti are the symbolic archetypes of consciousness and energy.

The whole universe is born of the sexual union of immaterial consciousness and creative energy.

The kundalini is symbolized by a snake coiled at the level of the sacrum at the base of the spine carrying with it all the vitality of the “black snake” that unfolds.

As it diffuses, it infuses a large amount of energy that spreads to the extremities of the limbs and inside the viscera.


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Description of the Tantra massage

Massage is a body practice used to awaken the senses.

It balances the circulatory system, releases the blockages suffered by each living being, and introduces a general well-being encompassing the unity of body and spirit.

Tantric massage is above all based on respect and knowledge of the circulation of sexual energy, in order to awaken the original vital force and amplify the experience of being alive. 


tantric massage in lyon - tantra massage villeurbanne

The Tantra massage and the Eros

Tantric massage is based on trust and self-abandonment, relying on a new breathing which alone is able to diffuse subtle energy throughout the body.

Through its subtlety and precision, its ability to discover the most sleepy points or resistance, the tantric massage opens the way to the sublime, which is the gateway to cosmic orgasm.

This has nothing to do with orgasm limited to the pleasure provided mechanically.

By guiding us towards this state of full consciousness through touch, this practice of Tantrism serves as a tool to improve and enrich sexuality.

It is a learning of the mastery of sexual arousal, detaching itself from the ego in a quality of pure presence in order to exalt the senses and prolong the experience of enjoyment.

Tantric massage is there to reveal and dilate the Eros that is sleeping in each of us, sometimes forgotten, too often enclosed in a vision of immediate pleasure.

Tantra rebuilds trust in you and everything around you.

Discover the prices of tantric massage sessions near Lyon !

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The Tantric massage flow

Tantric massage is above all a massage where you will find all the necessary conditions for a true relaxation.

Wrap, scrub, pressure point, breathing work.

The tantric massage session takes place on a futon, in a great proximity to fully explore the body, optimal comfort.

During the tantric massage, all the parts of your body are solicited, without exception (I remind you that whatever his desire for a “finishing”, the massed person will receive no satisfaction in this sense).

The importance being to bring consciousness to awaken every particle of your being, the body is honored without taboos, in all its dimensions.

It is in total nudity that a real state of abandonment can be achieved.

The entire wrapping of the body generates a kind of communion between massagist and massaged to bring the one who receives the massage to abandon himself to new experiences by letting go and penetrate into the sacred space of the Tantra.

Facets of Tantric naturist massage

At each step, the tantric massager will prepare the body to go to the next step.

It plants the seeds in a land that you decide whether to cultivate or not.

The buds will flourish during the sessions. Burning a step is like eating an apple that is not ripe.

It takes some time to tame the body, letting go and trust go hand in hand.

In their absence, the massage will be experienced as a simple sensual naturist massage, which may suit some people.

But in an initiatory process, the tantric dimension awakens gradually, through each level, in a total abandonment of self.

Relationship between massager and customer

Tantric massage is based on an exceptional relationship between the person who administers the massage and the one who receives it.

The masseuse is there as an initiator, her role is to hold you by the hand and guide you, welcoming your emotions, your questions, making you as light as possible, to carry you on her wings and make you travel … the eyes closed.

Even if the erotic and sensual dimension is very strong, tantric massage is by no means a sexual “adventure”.

If, during the massage, this deviation occurs, I authorize myself to put an end to it immediately, since then the massage no longer has any meaning.

tantric massage in lyon - tantra massage villeurbanne- Linda Kali

The way to ecstasy

Tantra is an open path to ecstasy. Needless to think: in how long will I experience sexual ecstasy? Each massage is a landmark on the track.

To each one to discover his rhythm, his personal vision, to measure what is felt under the “toucher de soie®”.

The tantric massage, in fact, will reveal the sensitive points linked to the personal history, the small wounds or the intimate sufferings buried in the deepest of the secrets of the person.

Because it is full of respect and gentleness, the “toucher de soie®” brings, at the appropriate time, the care that heals the pain and will allow to walk towards cosmic ecstasy.

Tantric massage frequency

This is why the time between each massage will be respected by following the intimate feeling of each.

It is you who decide when to return, because only you can feel if this time has come.

Whatever the necessary pause required between each stage, the tantric massage will make it possible to resume contact where the previous massage had stopped.

Woman or man, you will always be surrounded by the deepest respect of your own journey and welcomed in the delights of my massage.

Contact Toucher de Soie®,
naturist and tantric massage in Lyon and Villeurbanne

Aappointment only by phone at +33 (0)6 46 16 06 63
11 rue Richelieu – 69100 Villeurbanne
Rhône-Alpes – France

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